#321 Meeting Minutes
Minutes #321 Minutes 2023/October/21 Introduction Today’s meeting was zoom style. [...]
#320 Meeting Minutes
Minutes #320 Minutes 2023/October/7 Introduction Today’s meeting was hybrid style. [...]
Joint Picnic
2023/September/23 On Sep. 23rd, we, Visionaries members, were invited [...]
#319 Meeting Minutes
Minutes #319 Minutes 2023/September/16 Introduction Today’s meeting was zoom style. [...]
#318 Meeting Minutes
Minutes #318 Minutes 2023/September/2 Introduction Today’s meeting was hybrid style. [...]
#317 Meeting Minutes
Minutes #317 Minutes 2023/August/19 Introduction We had joint meeting with [...]
#316 Meeting Minutes
Minutes #316 Minutes 2023/August/5 Introduction We had one guest here [...]
#315 Meeting Minutes
Minutes #315 Minutes 2023/July/15 Introduction We have two guest here [...]
#314 Meeting Minutes
Minutes #314 Minutes 2023/July/1 Introduction We have two guests here [...]