
#328 Minutes 2024/February/3


Today’s meeting was zoom style.
We had one guest today.
We had an ice-breaking session at the beginning of the meeting.
We shared memorable event in February, such as Setsubun, Valentain Day, entrance exam, and so on.
Today’s Word of the evening was “self-explanatory”.

Table Topic Session

Today’s table topic master was TM Y.T.
He asked about the most impressive something, such as movie, book, person, and so on.
The question was easy to understand, but not easy to answer.
Each table topic speaker shared impressive things of each topic.

Speech Session

Today we had one speaker.
TM S.K. gave two short impromptu speeches on specific situations that were randomly chosen from the topic list.
One was about the benefits of merging, and the other was about encouraging the victims of a disaster.
Although the subject required high skill, he did well.

Evaluation Session

General Evaluator was TM H.S., and Individual Evaluator was TM A.M.
Each evaluator gave sharp comments for the speech and this meeting.
We used WoE three times today.

Discussion Session

We discussed on today’s speech and the news of a comic book writer’s suicide that TM Y.T. mentioned.
For the today’s speech, many members felt that today’s subject was challenging.
For the recent shocking news, we discussed how to deal with SNS.

Award Session

Table Topic: TM Y.T. and Ms. Athira

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