
MeetingMinutes ページ 9

#274 Meeting Minutes


Minutes #274 Minutes 2021/Oct/2 In the Ice break session, we discussed a slightly interesting agenda. “If you were Marketing manager and wanted to raise Toastmasters dues, what strategy would you come up? It was good opportunity for the club members to think about the strategy. Today's Word of the Evening was “Elaborate”. Table Topic Table topic session was handled by TM Y.K. and main topic was Covid-19 The state of emergency has been lifted, but we are still expecting a sixth wave. We discussed what to do in such a case. TM E.W. said she might go out. While we are [...]

#274 Meeting Minutes2021-10-11T00:16:16+09:00

#273 Meeting Minutes


Minutes #273 Minutes 2021/Sep/18 There were few participants today, probably because of the start of national holidays. Therefore, we had a little more time today and started the meeting with a relatively longer ice break session of about 15 minutes. The topic was whether we can control our luck, and we were divided into four groups and each group shared their opinions. Since most of us are positive people, we talked a lot about how we can change our luck with our minds. Also concluded good luck could be somewhat relative to others. It's a difficult topic. Today's Word of the [...]

#273 Meeting Minutes2021-09-27T09:22:43+09:00

#272 Meeting Minutes


Minutes #272 Minutes 2021/Sep/4 Today's ice break session was about what could happen in the next coming year. At this time of the year, the financial companies seem to make a top 10 list of things that will happen in the future, so we decided to imitate that. We were divided into four groups and had various discussions. The most frightening conclusion was the decline of the stock market. It's scary just thinking about it! We had a first time for helper role. TM M.I. did her first ah counter. Table Topic Today's Table topic master was TM S.K. The first question [...]

#272 Meeting Minutes2021-10-09T21:25:24+09:00

#271 Meeting Minutes


Minutes #271 Minutes 2021/Aug/21 The director of Area 96 was our guest today. He gave us very good feedback from our club about good things and differences from others. The most surprising feedback was, other clubs usually have table topic at the very end of all sessions. It would give all of speakers including prepared speaker to have a chance to have impromptu speech, which we are now avoiding for their incoming prepared speech. For the ice-breaker session, we talked about surprises that happened in the past 48 hours. Since there were 15 members today, we were divided into 4 groups for [...]

#271 Meeting Minutes2021-10-09T21:26:06+09:00

#270 Meeting Minutes


Minutes #270 Minutes 2021/Aug/7 Today, to our surprise, one of our guests became a member of our club. This is going to make our club livelier. Icebreaking session The ice-breaker session was about the Olympics because the Tokyo Olympics are going on right now! The members discussed many things about the Olympics held during this pandemic. The content was very rich, and we could have talked a lot more if we had more time. Table topic The table topic session was about friends. What is a friend to you? It made us realize something that we hadn't really thought about before because [...]

#270 Meeting Minutes2021-08-09T10:49:59+09:00

#269 Meeting Minutes


Minutes #269 Minutes 2021/Jul/17 Today’s meeting is a first day held by our new President and new officers! Icebreaking session Our president brought us two topics: (1) Space travel (2) Findings around neighbors recently Table topic The agenda for the table topic was about how our lives are affected by natural disasters. What action would you take if you found out that your house was built in a dangerous place? It was a good opportunity for the members to think about natural disasters again. Speech TM. Y. K. gave his first speech. His first speech was an ice-breaker session, so the agenda [...]

#269 Meeting Minutes2021-08-09T10:40:27+09:00

#268 Meeting Minutes


Minutes #268 Minutes 2021/Jul/03 Today’s meeting is a first day for our new President and new officers! Our president is very experienced TM member, and this is his 2nd opportunity for the president role for his 11 years TM career. The president said "We may need to improve the way of having the meeting with expecting the pandemic situation better. If possible, we want to see in person this year." Word of the evening Today’s Word of the Evening was “deliberate”. Table topic Table topic was handled by T.A. The topics were random questions, including Olympic, the way of learning effectively, which [...]

#268 Meeting Minutes2021-07-04T21:38:36+09:00

#267 Meeting Minutes


Minutes #267 Minutes  2021/6/19 Tonight’s meeting was the final meeting held by current officers, President S.S, VPE M.U, VPE M.S, VPPR K.K, Secretary M.S, Treasurer K.M and SAA T.K, thank you for all officers’ efforts and members supports for through a year even though in rigorous situation due to COVID-19! This last meeting was started with free conversation about what you are interested in and are good or not good at, which showed new findings of each members’ preferences today.  “The salt of the Earth” that is tonight’s word(s) of the evening, suggested by Y.T was a golden phrase expressing valuable person [...]

#267 Meeting Minutes2021-07-04T21:38:57+09:00

#266 Meeting Minutes


Minutes Today’s meeting was a special one.  We had the annual officer election for the first half, after that, the Table Topic Fest. Officer election is a kind of futuristic Toastmaster’s event held once a year before the end of each term, which follows the idiosyncratic flow to elect officers for the next term.  Toastmasters has seven officers in each club, President, Vice President of Education, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of PR, Secretary, Treasurer and Sargent of Arms.  All candidates made speeches to deliver their resolutions.  This is a Toastmasters’ seasonal special scene.   After all officers were elected, [...]

#266 Meeting Minutes2021-07-04T21:20:03+09:00

#265 Meeting Minutes


Minutes #265 Minutes 2021/5/22 Under the extended “Semi precaution emergency statement” in Kawasaki city, we had today’s meeting only on zoom. Yet, tonight’s meeting was full of warm atmosphere thanks to friendly members. Icebreaking conversations in each break room, we talked about both a) new routine and b) favorite time during stay home. Many members’ favorite moment was drinking at home. I am one of them, we are loving drinking! Today’s Word of the Evening was “seamless”. It was easy for some members to take in and several times used at the educational portion. Table topic theme presented by Y.U was about [...]

#265 Meeting Minutes2021-06-06T14:23:44+09:00
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