What is Pathways?

Hello everyone, this is Y.T, President of Visionaries TMC.

I have introduced the basic procedure of Toastmasters meetings in the previous article. There, I have used a word “Pathways”. This is an education program offered by Toastmasters International, which all members follow. It contains plenty of practical contents, but it is pretty difficult to understand, especially for beginners. So, I would like to introduce what Pathways is!

Pathways has 11 paths. Each path has different competencies, so each member is advised to choose the most suitable path before he/she starts the education.
The list of paths is as the follows:

  1. Dynamic Leadership
  2. Effective Coaching
  3. Engaging Humor
  4. Innovative Planning
  5. Leadership Development
  6. Motivational Strategies
  7. Persuasive Influence
  8. Presentation Mastery
  9. Strategic Relationships
  10. Team Collaboration
  11. Visionary Communication

Once the path has been decided, a member starts his/her education, but it does not start from a very difficult content. First, a members learns very basic skills, such as self-introduction or evaluation. Each path starts from Level 1 and finishes at 5. A member has to complete each level to move on to the next level. Each level requires some tasks; for example, Level 1 requires 4 speeches based on the education purpose.

Each member can choose what they want to learn and they can proceed it with their pace. This is the biggest sales point of Pathways. Of course, you can use the skills immediately in your daily life. Why don’t you start learning practical skills with Pathways?


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こんにちは、Visionaries TMC会長のY.Tです。
前回は、Toastmastersの例会の進め方についてご説明いたしました。その中で、Pathwaysという単語が出てきました。これは、Toastmasters Internationalが提供している教育プログラムで、メンバーはこれに沿って活動をしていきます。大変コンテンツが多く実用的なのですが、その反面、若干分かりにくいという欠点もあります。ということで、今回はPathwaysについてご紹介いたします。


  1. Dynamic Leadership
  2. Effective Coaching
  3. Engaging Humor
  4. Innovative Planning
  5. Leadership Development
  6. Motivational Strategies
  7. Persuasive Influence
  8. Presentation Mastery
  9. Strategic Relationships
  10. Team Collaboration
  11. Visionary Communication




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