What is contest speech?

Hello everyone, this is Y.T, President of Visionaries TMC.

February 16th is the Area Contest. The Area Contest is a contest which around 5 clubs compete with each other on speeches. The winner can have a chance to participate in the International Contest. Contest speeches are different from the speeches done in our regular meetings. You need to design it carefully with a concrete tactics.

The followings are the important points:

  1. Big gestures!
  2. Speak up! With well controlled tone.
  3. Share the lesson you can learn from your personal experience dramatically!

I have put some of the world champion speeches at the end of this post. They are the people who make their living with speeches, it must help you have an image of the speeches.


Got interested? We are always welcoming guests! Contact us here!


こんにちは、Visionaries TMC会長のY.Tです。
来たる2/16は、Area Contestです。Area Contestとは、周辺5クラブほどが集まって行うスピーチコンテストで、勝ち進むと世界大会に出場することができます。コンテストスピーチは、普段の例会で行うスピーチと異なり、かなり作戦を立てないと勝つことはできません。


  1. ジェスチャーは大きく!
  2. 声も大きく!抑揚をつける!
  3. 自身の経験とそこから学べることをドラマチックに!


Visionaries TMCではいつでもゲスト歓迎です! ご興味のある方はこちらからコンタクトください。


[Champion speeches]