What are Toastmasters activities?

Hello everyone, this is Y.T, President of Visionaries TMC.

I have introduced what Toastmasters is in the previous post. As written in the post, Toastmasters is an organisation which aims to develop public speaking skills and leadership. Then, through what kind of activities do members develop those skills? Today, I would like to introduce Toastmasters main activity, club meeting.

Club meetings are usually held twice a month, two hours each. Meeting venue and schedules differs from club to club. We, Visionaries, usually hold meetings on the first and the third Saturday, from 18 pm at Musashikosugi.

Each member attends the meeting with some kind of role. For example, facilitating the whole meeting, recording the time of each speech, or pointing out grammatical mistakes. These kind of role takers are called “Helpers”. Although they are pretty simple, the are essential to promote the meeting smoothly.

The most important role of the meeting is “Prepared Speaker”. Two to four members are assigned in each meeting, and they prepare a speech to introduce in front of rest of the members. Speech is prepared based on Pathways, an education program offered by Toastmasters International. Time is around five to seven minutes, and any kinds of contents are welcomed.

Finally, “Evaluators” give feedbacks to each prepared speaker. They share good points and improvement points of the speech. The important point is that evaluators must not criticise the speech contents or speaker itself. Evaluators responsibility is to give a constructive feedback to improve the speakers speech.

Meetings are held supported by each role taker. The crux of Toastmasters activities is that you take responsibilities, experience, and learn by yourself.
If you would like to know more about meetings, check out here!


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こんにちは、Visionaries TMC会長のY.Tです。




上記以外の役割の中で、最も重要なのが、Prepared Speakerです。これは、各回2~4人が指名され、事前に準備してきたスピーチをメンバーの前で披露します。時間は一人5~7分。内容は、Pathwaysという教育プログラムに沿って準備してきます。内容に特に制限はないので、趣味のことでも社会問題でもなんでもありです。

さらに、上記Prepared Speakerのスピーチを評価する人もいます。彼らはEvaluatorと呼ばれ、スピーカーと同じ数だけアサインされます。スピーカーのスピーチに対して、良かったところと改善点を述べます。ポイントは、内容や人格を否定しないこと。攻撃したり貶すのではなく、より良くするためにはどうすれば良いか、という建設的なフィードバックをするのです。


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