2020 resolution

Hello everyone, this is Y.T, President of Visionaries TMC.

2020 has come! Shougatsu holidays have passed rapidly… Have you enjoyed it?

Let me write club resolutions for 2020.


1. 3 more new members

As a goal of this fiscal year, I’d like to add more members. Namely, I’d like to add 3 more members by June. Last year was a year of preparation, updating this website and start using Meetup. I expect them to bear a fruit this year.


2. Facilitate Area Contest

We are assigned as a host club for the Area Contest in February. I have already started preparing for it, but it seems to be a big business. I’d like to make it a good contest by facilitating it without any big faults. Plus, it would be great if we could send our contestant to the Division contest.


3. Hold a joint meeting

It would be great if we could hold a joint meeting with any club after the Area Contest. Area Contest is a very interesting event which stimulates us a lot. Although it requires some efforts, it is a very valuable event. I have to start from finding a club to hold a meeting together…


Let’s enjoy 2020 together!


Got interested? We are always welcoming guests! Contact us here!



こんにちは、Visionaries TMC会長のY.Tです。



1. 会員数3人増加



2. Area Contest運営をしっかり行う

2月のArea Contestでは、我々がホストクラブになりました。現在少しずつ準備を進めておりますが、なかなかの大仕事になりそうです。ここでしっかりと運営をやりきって、良いコンテストにしたいです。できれば、VisionariesからDivisionに行けると大変嬉しいですね。


3. 合同例会をやる

Area Contest後に、どこかのクラブと合同例会をやれると嬉しいです。合同例会は普段とは異なる刺激がありますので大変面白いイベントです。その分労力はかかるのですが、やって損はないイベントなので、是非実現したいです。まずはやってくれるクラブを探すところから。。。




Visionaries TMCではいつでもゲスト歓迎です! ご興味のある方はこちらからコンタクトください。