Changing world

Hello everyone, this is Y.T, President of Visionaries TMC.

Due to the pandemic of the COVID-19, Japanese government has declared a state of emergency. How are you spending these days?

I really feel that our society or the world is changing rapidly in the last few months. Remote working, which many companies hesitated to adopt, is now becoming common rapidly. People are seeking a lifestyle reducing connection with others. On the other hand, restaurant industry and tourist industry have been damaged badly. Every country is adopting large economic measures, but conventional philosophy may not be effective in this situation. They may have to adopt some measures regarded as taboo, like basic incomes. What we have regarded normal are being overturned and the world is changing.

That’s why, we have to change our actions and take new challenge. Our club stopped onsite meetings and moved to online meetings. There are some difficulties, but now we can hold our meetings as well as our onsite meetings.

If we can’t do the same as before, we can look for new ways. What matters is flexibility and imagination. It is very easy to stop saying “We can’t”, but the key is to think “Then how?” and make actions. No one knows when this crisis will end. But until then, let’s do what we can do.


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こんにちは、Visionaries TMC会長のY.Tです。






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