About our upcoming meetings

Hello everyone, this is Y.T, President of Visionaries TMC.

Two months have passed since we moved our meetings to online. Although it was our very first challenge, I believe we are doing very well with it; the number of attendees are increasing and we got a new member in the last meeting! I really appreciate everyone’s contribution.

For our upcoming meetings, we will hold them online. At least, meetings in May will be online and we will consider for June meetings. However, meeting venue we usually use is what we call “San-mitsu” environment, so I   don’t think we can easily resume our onsite meetings. Although the situation gets better, we have to consider our members’s mental or anxieties. I personally want to hold onsite meetings once by the end of June, but it seems to be difficult…

The COVID-19 is forcing us to change our life both well and badly. As the word “After-corona” shows, the world we live after this tragedy must not be the same as before. Any way, let’s focus on how to overcome this difficulty and do what we can do now.


Got interested? We are always welcoming guests! Contact us here!


こんにちは、Visionaries TMC会長のY.Tです。





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