Reflecting 2019
Hello everyone, this is Y.T, President of Visionaries TMC.
2019 is about to pass. In this article, let me reflect 2019.
February: Area Contest
In Feb 2019, Area Contest was held and our veteran member HK competed in it as our representative. She made a speech about her love toward pandas with a message that one must not hide his/her love toward something because of external opinion. It was a great speech, because even my wife, who can’t understand English, understood her message.
April: Joint meeting with Yokohama TMC
We had a joint meeting with Yokohama TMC, pretty rare event in the last few years. It was a very interesting and stimulating event. I have to thank Yokohama TMC members for kindly accepting my offer. Yokohama TMC had a very good and warm atmosphere. I found many good points Visionaries can apply in our meetings.
June: Officer election
Officer election was held as usual. I became the president of this club here. As I had experienced Secretary and VPE, it was pretty natural to be the President. However, after I became the President, I had to think of the club vision and so on.
July: New regime start
New fiscal year started. I started from deciding the club vision. The result is “Marketing”. Visionaries holds a very high quality meetings and members regularly attend the meetings. Thus, the only problem we got is acquiring new members. We started appealing externally by upgrading this website and using Meetup.
November: Rookeis Contest
This year, our new member TA competed in the contest. It was a very hot competition, as even our In-house contest was very hot and exciting. Contest makes you change your view point or way of thinking, so if you are interested in it, why don’t you apply for it?
For 2020
We successfully operated the club and thankfully got five members in 2019. I’d like to continue this tide to achieve more members in 2020.
I wish you a happy new year!
Got interested? We are always welcoming guests! Contact us here!
こんにちは、Visionaries TMC会長のY.Tです。
2月:Area Contest
2019年2月のArea Contestには、VisionariesからベテランメンバーのHKが出場しました。自分がいかにパンダが好きかという話と、周りからの意見を気にして自分の好きを抑えるのは止めようというメッセージ。英語が分からない妻も伝えたいことは分かったと言っていたので、大変良いスピーチだったと思います。
4月:Yokohama TMCと合同例会
久々に、他クラブと合同例会を行いました。横浜TMCは快く引き受けてくださり、大変刺激的な例会になりました。横浜 TMCはメンバー同士の仲が大変よく、雰囲気も明るかったので、Visionariesにも取り入れられる部分が多くありました。
Visionaries TMCではいつでもゲスト歓迎です! ご興味のある方はこちらからコンタクトください。