#348 Minutes 2024/December/21
Today’s meeting was a joint meeting with Yokohama Hiyoshi Toastmasters Club.
We have lots of guests from other TM clubs as well.
This meeting was special, half time in Japanese and half time in English. Each club member introduced himself.
Table Topic Session
Today’s table topic master was TM K.T.
The table topic theme was related to the New Year.
Questions were like how do you spend the New Year, what will be the character for the New Year, etc.
Speech Session
Today we had two speakers, one in Japanese and another in English.
The first speaker was TM S.K. “Eye crisis and 80’s idol”
His speech was about how the surgery he went through was connected through 80’s idol songs. It was so funny but very heartfelt story.
The second speaker was TM H.O. “The Gift”
Her speech was about the importance of complimenting other people, how she started to learn to compliment other people with her own trial and error method and how she succeeded.
Evaluation Session
The General Evaluator was TM H.S. and the Individual Evaluator were TM S.T. for the Japanese speech and TM A.M. for the English speech.
TM S.T. found it very interesting and effortlessly entertaining.
TM A.M. thought the speech was well structured and informative.
Discussion Session
We discussed on the Japanese speech additionally.
The speaker was asked like, how the idea came about, how he felt about the speech, etc.
Any interest? Please visit our club! See detail to visit our club here.