
#338 Minutes 2024/July/20


Today’s meeting was zoom style.
We had only 4 regular members and one guest today.
At the ice-breaking session, we shared about our recent lives.
Today’s Word of the evening was “I’m not going to lie,—”.

Table Topic Session

Today’s table topic master was TM T.M.
Surprisingly, TM T.M. had prepared 365 questions by using IT.
We enjoyed answering these questions, such as the activities that make you lose track of time, something that makes you smile, etc.
Since the number of people was small, the atmosphere was relaxed.

Speech Session

Today we had one speaker.
TM Y.T. talked about “Drive to the future”.
2024 is a big changing year for him.
About that, he bought a car recently.
He had been thinking about buying a car for a long time.
Now he thinks that his decision was right.

Evaluation Session

Since the number of participants was small, only general evaluation was done by TM H.S.
He admitted that TM Y.T.’s speech is already high level and well constructed, but adding gesture can be one of the improvement points.

Award Session

Table Topic: Ms. N.N.

Table Topic Session 2

We had a lot of extra time and a plenty of questions, so the second Table Topic Session was held.
The questions were like why you are you, what do you want the most, etc.
Like the first Table Topic Session, the second one was also fun.

Any interest? Please visit our club! See detail to visit our club here.