
#317 Minutes 2023/August/19


We had joint meeting with Sunrise Toastmasters Club today.
There was no guest.
Today’s Word of the Evening was “fantastic” means extremely good. We enjoyed fantastic meeting with Sunrise Toastmasters Club members.

Ice breaking Session

Each member talked about movie. Three members mentioned the same movie, Top Gun: Marverick.

Speech session

Two speeches were given from each club.
TM S.K from Visionaries shared his experience of other Toastmasters club. He visited 6 other clubs in this half year and learned important 3S, Speech, Style, and Smile.
TM T.T from Sunrise talked about not to be afraid to be different. Her speech matched well the purpose of the project, inspiring the audience.

Table Topic Session

TM E.W asked some questions to each club member. Each question promoted us to introduce each club like how the introduction movie was made, how to introduce own club to non-member, etc. We could know each other through these questions.

Evaluation session

General Evaluator was TM S.K, and Individual Evaluators were TM J.S from Sunrise and TM Y.U from Visionaries.
Each speech was evaluated by other club member and both evaluations made total sense.

Award session

Prepared Speech: TM T.T
Table Topic: TM S.K
Evaluation: TM J.S

Any interest? Please visit our club! See detail to visit our club here.